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Terminvergabe: +49 621 12017-0 Privatpatienten:0152-562 07 653 Whatsapp/SMS (nur Privatpatienten):0152-562 07 653

Relaxed parking for RZM patients


Relaxed parking for RZM patients

Thanks to the new XXL multi-storey car park in R5, the parking situation for patients who come to the practice by car in P7 has eased considerably. The multi-storey car park is just a few minutes' walk from the practice. It is located in the new city centre building and has - uniquely in Mannheim - very large parking spaces, so that parking is no problem even with larger cars.

zuletzt geƤndert am: 27.05.2024

P7, 2-3

P7, 2-3
68161 Mannheim
Phone +49 621 12017-111
Fax +49 621 103080

Screening Friedrichsring

Friedrichsring 4
68161 Mannheim
Fax +49 621 18003-99

Hotline Mammography-Screening
07221 956555

Rosengartenplatz/ Friedrichsring

Rosengartenplatz 7 und Friedrichsring 4
68161 Mannheim
Phone +49 621 12017-111
Fax +49 621 18003-99

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